Most Recent Tutorials
This section will contain my most recent SketchUp tutorials. If you’re looking for the newest SketchUp lessons and content, you’re in the right place!
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The SketchUp Essentials Tutorials
These tutorials make up the heart of the SketchUp essentials. They are more in-depth than my average tutorial, but they really dive deep into SketchUp’s functionality. If you’re looking for the most information in a video, here’s where to look!
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Basic SketchUp Tutorials
These are quick tutorials designed to help develop basic modeling skills in SketchUp. However, they will also cover modeling methods designed to help build advanced models as well.
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SketchUp Quick Tips
These are quick tutorials that contain tips to make you better in SketchUp. If you’re looking to speed up your workflow, this is the right place to look!
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SketchUp Plugin Reviews and Tutorials
A stock SketchUp install is pretty great, but sometimes you need some extra tools to get the job done. This section will contain reviews of and tutorials for the extensions that can make SketchUp even better!
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SketchUp Speed Modeling and Tutorials
Sometimes the best way to learn how to create models is to just watch someone else model. This section contains longer videos of model creation for your viewing pleasure!
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Getting Started
This section contains tutorials designed to help you get started in SketchUp. They will teach you to do everything from downloading and installing the software to creating your first model.
Importing Google Maps into your SketchUp Models
One of the most powerful tools in SketchUp is its ability to interface with Google Maps and Google Earth. This tutorial will teach you how to import and utility Google geographic data in your models.
Using the Follow Me Tool to Create Round Shapes in SketchUp
This tutorial will teach you how to use SketchUp’s follow me tool to create round shapes that you wouldn’t be able to create with any other tools in SketchUp.
Downloading and Installing SketchUp
This tutorial will walk you through everything you need to know to download and install SketchUp on your computer. The best part – this fully functional 3d modeling program is FREE!
SketchUp Interface Tour, Part 1 – SketchUp’s Opening Options
Ok – you’ve downloaded and installed SketchUp. Now what? This tutorial will walk you through all the opening options so you can get SketchUp configured the way you want it.
SketchUp Interface Tour Part 2 – Toolbar and Workspace Tour
You’ve opened SketchUp, and are now presented with a ton of toolbars and options. What does it all mean? This tutorial will get you acclimated to the SketchUp workspace so that you can start 3D modeling with confidence!
Using the SketchUp View and Navigation Tools
Being able to confidently move around in SketchUp can save you hours in the long run. This tutorial will teach you how to use the basic view and navigation tools in SketchUp so you can navigate the 3D space with ease.
SketchUp Drawing Tools Tutorial Part 1 – Drawing Lines
This tutorial will teach you to start modeling by going over the simplest drawing tools in SketchUp – The Line Tools.
SketchUp Drawing Tools Tutorial Part 2 – Faces
This tutorial will walk you through the basics of how SketchUp fills in shapes with faces. You’ll learn how to create faces, delete faces, what to do if a face gets deleted, and other useful information.
SketchUp Drawing Tools Tutorial Part 3 – Shapes
This tutorial teaches you how to use the 2D drawing tools in SketchUp to draw shapes. These skills will be utilized later when we start working in 3D.
Drawing a 3D Doghouse in SketchUp
This SketchUp lesson will give you step by step instruction on how to create a 3D model of a dog house in SketchUp (this example model was suggested by the two canine members of the SketchUp Essentials team).
The Basics of SketchUp Groups and Components
This tutorial will teach you the basics of using groups and components in your SketchUp model to save time while modeling.
Using the Move and Rotate Tools to Create Copies
When modeling in SketchUp, you’ll often find yourself making copies of objects. This tutorial teaches you to use the move and rotate tools to create copies quickly and precisely.
Using the Scale Tool to Modify 2D Objects in SketchUp
Oftentimes, you’ll find yourself needing to resize or reshape objects in your SketchUp model. This tutorial will teach you to use the scale tool to modify two dimensional shapes.
Modifying 3D Objects with the SketchUp Scale Tool Tutorial
This tutorial deals with the more advanced aspects of the scale tool, like resizing 3D warehouse objects, resizing single faces, and working with mirrored components.
Drawing 3D Shapes and Floor Plans with the SketchUp Push Pull and Offset Tools
This tutorial will teach you how to use the push pull tool to create 3D shapes, as well as walking you through using the push/pull tool in conjunction with the offset tool to quickly create 3D floor plans in SketchUp.
Extruding Shapes Along Paths with the SketchUp Follow Me Tool
The follow me tool is one of the more confusing tools in SketchUp, but it is also one of the most powerful. This tutorial will teach you to use the follow me tool to extrude objects along paths, allowing you to create objects like pipes, cabinet doors, wood base, and many other objects.
Advanced Tutorials
This section contains tutorials for using SketchUp to create more advanced models. These lessons are a little more in depth and require a slightly greater understanding of the software than the tutorials above. However, they are step by step and easy to follow, so they are still intended for everyone!
Creating Curved Letters on a Sign Without Plugins
This tutorial will teach you how to create lettering that curves along with the face of a curved surface without having to use any plug-ins.
The Basics of Rendering with Shaderlight
There are many third party plugins for SketchUp intended to help you create realistic renderings. This post will teach you the basics of using Shaderlight to create photorealistic renderings.
Two Minute Tips
This section contains short, to-the-point videos about individual ideas in SketchUp. Each video will teach a single important strategy in SketchUp designed to help make you faster in your modeling.
Creating Copies with the SketchUp Move Tool
This quick tutorial will teach you to create single or multiple copies of objects with the SketchUp move tool in a straight line.